6 Key Concepts to Understand Before Building a Migraine Prevention Lifestyle
So, my fellow traveler, what is “wellness” anyway?
According to the dictionary, wellness is “the state of being in good health, especially as an actively pursued goal.”
So, pretty much, being WELL. Like not sick. Not in pain. Not exhausted. Not anxious.
My approach, language, and methodologies might seem new to you, and that’s by design. My goal is to share my information about migraine healing that’s NOT already out there. There are a lot of competent blogs and coaches out there, sharing clinical information, pharmaceutical information, and natural treatments and preventives. And very little of it is NEW.
My goal is not to rinse and repeat everything that’s already out there. My goal is to shed light on the highly effective tactics I’ve learned that are not yet considered part of the migraine healing paradigm.
There are some basic concepts I want to set forth to help you approach my methodology with understanding.
Concept 1: Migraine is a disorder, not a disease.
It’s still a “condition,” but with order it can be reversed.
Migraine has been recorded to have been around since the beginning of time - it was recorded by Hippocrates in 400 BC. They are largely genetically inherited, and then expressed through the epigenetics and environment in life circumstances.
“Migraine and Headache Disease” is the new terminology the western medical community have given the condition, largely because it will help with research funding as a “disease.” I call it a condition or disorder, because it doesn’t have to be permanent. The clinical research that my program is based on has helped THOUSANDS of people understand how to prevent migraines from ever returning.
I consider migraine to be an energy-flow disorder. It’s the hyper-sensitized nervous system receiving countless alarm signals that you’re in danger, from non-dangerous stimuli (like smell, light, food, etc) because of electrolyte imbalance and mitochondrial dysfunction.
Information is energy, and your nervous system is operating on faulty information. So we have to re-wire and re-design the migraine brain/body from hyper-sensitization to relaxed but aware by increasing the flow of energy.
This will take time, of course, but we’ll attack it from two sides: internally by increasing the available voltage in your body and externally by ridding you of the burden of a toxic environment that’s draining your body battery.
Tell me, how can we teach your nervous system to balance if it’s constantly being bombarded with substances that are poisonous and disruptive?
It can’t.
So we have to detox your life in order to fully remove the stress from your system. Only then can we have MAGICAL results.
Concept 2: Migraine is Reversible
It is NOT an incurable illness. If we think that way, it limits the possibility of true migraine freedom. The key is finding and meeting the conditions created by your migraine brain, for your migraine to reverse. This is the order that reverses the dis-order.
By REVERSE your migraine I do not mean CURE. There’s a reason. If I threw all caution to the wind, and actually tried to get a migraine I definitely could. I know what conditions (triggers) are required to cause one, so if I actively piled on enough triggers I could definitely make one happen.
I have effectively reversed my migraine from nothing to chronic back to nothing (!!!!) but it doesn’t mean I can just abandon all I’ve learned and do stupid, unhealthy behaviors.
This is how great I feel every day that I don’t have a migraine.
Does this sound possible to you? You must be open to the possibility of migraine freedom for the process to work. Mindset is key in this process, but don’t beat yourself up. Faith and hope only have to be the size of a mustard seed to grow.
Concept 3: Western Medicine Doesn’t Have the All of the Answers
It has SOME answers, though! Western medicine is built on a system to dispense pharmaceuticals, not to enhance the health and vitality of it’s patients. Trust me, I worked in Big Pharma!
That being said, pharmaceutical drugs DO make a great foundation and bridge away from pain and towards pain management and balance.
For example, I phased off of Botox after not having a migraine for 9 months.
Depending on substances that have mostly been studied in the short-term, for long-term solutions is a disaster. And most migraineurs will tell you that pharmaceuticals don’t really help that much. There’s a new class of highly effective drugs called CRGP antagonists, but they are very expensive and again, not something I would want to depend on alone - what if it ends up with black box warning in a few years? What are the potential long-term side effects and consequences of monthly use? Only time will tell.
Concept 4: Lifestyle Medicine Has Many Answers
Lifestyle medicine is a branch of medicine dealing with research, prevention and treatment of disorders caused by lifestyle factors such as nutrition, physical inactivity, and chronic stress.
It’s an evidence-based approach shown to prevent and treat disease. It treats the underlying cause of disease rather than its symptoms that are too often addressed with ever increasing quantities of pills and procedures.
The six pillars of Lifestyle Medicine are as follows:
Adopting a nutrient-dense, plant-predominate eating pattern.
Optimizing and individualizing physical activity plans.
Improving sleep.
Managing stress with healthy coping strategies.
Forming and maintaining relationships.
Cessation of tobacco use and other unhealthy habits.
By focusing on lifestyle AS medicine we ensure long lasting results. That’s why we’ll focus on lifestyle basics to ensure success on your migraine freedom journey.
Western Medicine is starting to see the value of Lifestyle Medicine and is integrating it rapidly into the established medical paradigm for a single reason: it provides results that the medical establishment cannot achieve with medications and procedures alone.
Concept 5: Invisible Is Important
Imagine if we could actually SEE everything around us: the sound, the light, the frequencies of our electronic devices and of the trees. Imagine if we could SEE toxins in our food, our air, our home. Imagine if we could SEE emotional wounds, the frequency of words used, the ions put off by running water, and other people’s auras.
I say this because there is a whole lot in the world that we cannot see. But that does not mean it doesn’t exist or isn’t extremely important. I find the biggest problem in migraine treatment protocol is that it only takes into perspective the most visible and tangible elements of a totally invisible and intangible experience. It leaves so much out.
Imagine if we could see it ALL!
There’s tremendous healing in the invisible, but we must attune ourselves to FEEL it instead. I’ll be asking you to suspend disbelief when we talk about energy and frequency. It will require creativity, imagination, visualization, and a leap of faith. But the proof is in the pudding once you expose yourself to the healing nature of the invisible quantum field that surrounds us.
Concept 6: Migraine Freedom Is A Personal, Spiritual Journey Of Awakening
Our path is specific to us as migraineurs. We must focus on purifying our minds, bodies, and environments. We must reduce stress and rebalance our nervous system. We must build up our body battery. We must reprogram our thinking, our reactions, and our daily lifestyle. Every person’s journey will be unique.
We start with meditation, which is the true path of yoga.
“The goal of yoga science is to calm the mind, that without distortion it may hear the infallible counsel of the Inner Voice.”
“Yoga is a system of scientific methods for reuniting the soul with the Spirit.The poet Milton wrote of the soul of man and how it might regain paradise. That is the purpose and goal of Yoga—to regain the lost paradise of soul consciousness by which man knows that he is, and ever has been, one with Spirit.”
― Paramahansa Yogananda, Autobiography of a Yogi
Meditation, sound (mantra), breathing, stretching, and kriya are all a part of the yogic science. We aren’t talking Hatha Yoga (popular in the US for fitness), we are talking about the true Yogic Path, which deals with all methods to bring you closer to your higher self. A yogi is a meditator, plain and simple.
I believe that as migraineurs we need MORE out of life than the structured, rigid norms of consumer society (including the medical system). We need to balance our mind/body/spirit through the yogic techniques to not only heal the migraine experience, but heal the whole person. You will be changed - upgraded - from migraine into a whole new level of life.
For more on the nature of yoga, start your reading here:
The topics I am SO excited to teach you about are plenty.
Here’s a start:
Food combining for optimal nutrition uptake from diet
Alkaline & fermented foods, reduce candida
Sleep Hygiene
Magnesium & B Vitamin Supplementation
Electrolyte supplementation
Yogic Science & Technology
Breathing Exercises
Quantum Biology
Lunar calendar integration
Movement medicine
Mitochondrial Biohacking
Detoxing the environment from:
Toxic beauty products
Toxic personal care products
Toxic cleaning products
Toxic foods
Toxic Water
EMF radiation
Toxic thought patterns
Substance abuse
Toxic relationships
Blue light exposure
Medication overuse
And a whole lot more.
There are plenty of blogs and articles about essential oils, ice packs and pharmaceuticals, so I’m not going to hit you over the head with that old news. It’s time to UNCOVER what is new to you and what really works.
XO 💋Oriana